National Park Service director gets an earful in East Millinocket -
Lunes, 16 de Mayo de 2016 19:17
kathadin: Google Noticias
WLBZ2.comNational Park Service director gets an earful in East MillinocketWLBZ2.comEAST MILLINOCKET, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — The majority of people who filled into a room at the Kathadin Region Higher Education Center in East Millinocket Monday afternoon for a hearing with National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis, spoke out ...y más » Leer:
National Park Service director gets an earful in East Millinocket -
Lunes, 16 de Mayo de 2016 19:17
kathadin: Google Noticias
WCSH6.comNational Park Service director gets an earful in East MillinocketWCSH6.comEAST MILLINOCKET, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — The majority of people who filled into a room at the Kathadin Region Higher Education Center in East Millinocket Monday afternoon for a hearing with National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis, spoke out ...y más » Leer:
Potatis - roten till det goda - Svenska YLE
Jueves, 24 de Marzo de 2016 14:24
kathadin: Google Noticias
Svenska YLEPotatis - roten till det godaSvenska YLEDe flesta potatissorter som odlas och äts i Finland härstammar från Tyskland eller Holland, t ex Sieglinde eller Siikli är en tysk sort, långoval och fast. Vår populäraste nypotatis, Hankkijan Timo, är en korsning mellan tysk Frühnudel och amerikansk ... Leer:
Landowner files injunction to stop state from harvesting timber on co ... -
Viernes, 18 de Marzo de 2016 17:07
kathadin: Google Noticias
WLBZ2.comLandowner files injunction to stop state from harvesting timber on co ...WLBZ2.comThe parcel is about 2500 acres in the Kathadin region that is bordered by Baxter State Park on the West and South, and Elliotsville Plantation's proposed national park lands to the East and North. Fitzgerald and the state co-own the land as Tenants in ... Leer:
L-S graduate spends semester hiking, climbing, and canoeing in the ... - Wicked Local
Jueves, 17 de Marzo de 2016 16:30
kathadin: Google Noticias
Wicked LocalL-S graduate spends semester hiking, climbing, and canoeing in the ...Wicked LocalThe expedition was the dream of a lifetime for the 20-year-old Sudbury native, who as a child summited several of New England largest peaks with his stepdad, including Mt. Washington, Mt. Kathadin, and Mt. Mansfield. “Backpacking was incredible. Leer:
Sudbury native spends semester hiking, climbing, and canoeing in ... - Wicked Local
Viernes, 11 de Marzo de 2016 07:48
kathadin: Google Noticias
Wicked LocalSudbury native spends semester hiking, climbing, and canoeing in ...Wicked LocalThe expedition was the dream of a lifetime for the 20-year-old Sudbury native, who as a child summited several of New England's highest peaks with his stepdad, including Mt. Washington, Mt. Kathadin, and Mt. Mansfield. “Backpacking was incredible. Leer:
I Feria ovina y caprina en feria de Asogata - Diario de Los Andes
Miércoles, 13 de Enero de 2016 13:08
kathadin: Google Noticias
Diario de Los AndesI Feria ovina y caprina en feria de AsogataDiario de Los AndesA partir de este jueves 14 y hasta el 17 de enero se realizará la primera Feria Caprina y Ovina en las instalaciones de Asogata, con exhibición, juzgamientos y concursos, en la que participarán 160 ejemplares, de 42 productores agropecuarios ...y más » Leer:
I Feria Ovina y Caprina de Asogata - Diario de Los Andes
Miércoles, 13 de Enero de 2016 08:43
kathadin: Google Noticias
Diario de Los AndesI Feria Ovina y Caprina de AsogataDiario de Los AndesA partir de este jueves 14 y hasta el 17 de enero se realizará la primera Feria Caprina y Ovina en las instalaciones de Asogata, con exhibición, juzgamientos y concursos, en la que participarán 160 ejemplares, de 42 productores agropecuarios ...y más » Leer:
Appalachian National Scenic Trail - National Parks Traveler (registration)
Domingo, 03 de Enero de 2016 02:40
kathadin: Google Noticias
National Parks Traveler (registration)Appalachian National Scenic TrailNational Parks Traveler (registration)And then, in early-to-late fall, the trail running the final 100 or so miles to the top of Kathadin gets pounded by those nearing their thru-hike goal who often hike the final miles with family and friends. "Eventually we may have to have some sort of ...y más » Leer:
Katahdin Log Homes Rising From the Ashes - WAGM
Jueves, 17 de Diciembre de 2015 11:07
kathadin: Google Noticias
WAGMKatahdin Log Homes Rising From the AshesWAGMWhen a pile of saw dust went up in flames at the Katahdin Log Homes mill on December 3rd, the result could have been tragic if it wasn't for the quick thinking of the crew that day. Immediately after the 9-1-1 call went out, an emergency call went out ... Leer:
RSU 50 School Board to vote on closing Kathadin Middle/High School - WCSH-TV
Miércoles, 16 de Diciembre de 2015 17:27
kathadin: Google Noticias
WCSH-TVRSU 50 School Board to vote on closing Kathadin Middle/High SchoolWCSH-TVSTACYVILLE, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- It's a problem many rural school districts are facing: Fewer students, and less state aid, means tough choices. In RSU 50 which spans across Northern Penobscot and Southern Aroostook counties, The school board ... Leer:
Realizan 3 ferias en Valledupar - El Heraldo (Colombia)
Jueves, 19 de Noviembre de 2015 19:20
kathadin: Google Noticias
El Heraldo (Colombia)Realizan 3 ferias en ValleduparEl Heraldo (Colombia)... en la ovinocaprina contaremos con los más reconocidos apriscos nacionales, y ejemplares de razas como Dorper, Kathadin, Nubiana, entre otras; ganado vacuno de mucha calidad, de ganaderías de toda la Costa; muestras agroindustrial y gastronómica, ... Leer: