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Bad Wildbad: Expertenjury umfasst mehr als 30 Personen - Schwarzwälder Bote

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Schwarzwälder BoteBad Wildbad: Expertenjury umfasst mehr als 30 PersonenSchwarzwälder BoteBad Wildbad. In Bad Wildbad ist mit einer Radler-Seilbahn etwa zehn Meter über der Enz ähnlich der Schwebebahn in Wuppertal ein weiteres attraktives Projekt angedacht worden. Allerdings nur von Schülern, die sich am Rande des Bundesfinales des 16.y más »

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ALLEGATIONS of Australian sheep being sold outside approved ... - The Land Newspaper

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The Land NewspaperALLEGATIONS of Australian sheep being sold outside approved ...The Land NewspaperA statement from Animals Australia today said the animal rights group had already informed the Department of Agriculture and industry officials of “widespread, ongoing” breaches of the Exporter supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) at the Jordan market.y más »

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Chief scientist gives CSG green light - The Land Newspaper

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The Land NewspaperChief scientist gives CSG green lightThe Land NewspaperCOAL seam gas (CSG) can go ahead in NSW, but with strict conditions to ensure responsible development according to chief scientist Mary O'Kane. Professor's O'Kane's comprehensive report, which was released yesterday, was a year in the making and has ...y más »

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Crunch time for ag's green paper - Queensland Country Life

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Queensland Country LifeCrunch time for ag's green paperQueensland Country LifeTHE federal government's highly anticipated green paper on the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper is due to be discussed in federal cabinet today. Speaking to the media yesterday, federal Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce confirmed the green ...y más »

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Barley a winner at Oakey - Queensland Country Life

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Queensland Country LifeBarley a winner at OakeyQueensland Country LifeTHE decision to grow wall-to-wall barley this winter looks like paying off for Darling Downs farmers Scott Johnston and his father Leigh, despite the rainfall tap turning off soon after planting. Most of the 260 hectares of barley the Johnstons had in ...

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A falu, ahol kifőzik a hősöket - Hir24.hu

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Hir24.huA falu, ahol kifőzik a hősöketHir24.huEasy és társai awassi fajtájú juhok voltak, idehaza egyedül Bakonszegen honosak. „Nagytermetű, lógófülű, erősen kosfejű, zsírfarkú, többnyire barna-fehér foltos állat, birkatermészettel megáldva, nőstényei igazi tejcsárdák”, ezt írja róluk a szakirodalom.

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Awassi Sheep - RedOrbit

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RedOrbitAwassi SheepRedOrbitThe Awassi sheep is a breed of domestic sheep that originated in the Syro-Arabian desert. Today, it can be found in many areas including Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon and it is the most common sheep throughout the Arab ...

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Dos ejemplares de la raza Assaf, record en la subasta de ovino - Salamanca24horas

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Salamanca24horasDos ejemplares de la raza Assaf, record en la subasta de ovinoSalamanca24horas¡Buen comentario! 2. La raza Assaf es una raza sintética originaria de Israel creada en el Center Volcani en el año 1955. Procede del cruzamiento entre ovejas de raza Awassi y machos de raza Milschschaf en la proporción 5/8 y 3/8 respectivamente.y más »

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Record live export shipment leaves Broome in Western Australia's ... - ABC Online

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Record live export shipment leaves Broome in Western Australia's ...ABC OnlineThe Broome Port in Western Australia's Kimberley has sent a record 16,100 head of cattle to Indonesia over the weekend. The load, which is aboard the Awassi Express, easily overtakes the port's previous record of almost 10,000 head in 2011. The ...

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Education And A Dog-Friendly Environment Could Help Tackle ... - RedOrbit

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RedOrbitEducation And A Dog-Friendly Environment Could Help Tackle ...RedOrbitPets are our companions, our friends and our caregivers. They are good for our mental well-being, but what about our physical well-being? A new study from the University of Liverpool indicates that the well-being of both the pet and the owner could be ...y más »

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Syrian livestock sector feels the effects of conflict - GlobalMeatNews.com

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GlobalMeatNews.comSyrian livestock sector feels the effects of conflictGlobalMeatNews.comMutton exports have also plunged, with Syria having exported between two and three million sheep (of the Awassi breed) valued at US$450m to the Gulf countries per year, but since the conflict dropping to 100,000 head, according to FAO. Further ...y más »

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The Spanish Were Eating Snails 30000 Years Ago, Long Before The ... - RedOrbit

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RedOrbitThe Spanish Were Eating Snails 30000 Years Ago, Long Before The ...RedOrbitArchaeologists have uncovered evidence that Homo sapiens in Spain ate snails around 30,000 years ago, 10,000 years before the French, whose escargot dish is now celebrated. Excavation of a site in Benidorm in the southwest of the country revealed that ...y más »

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Songbird 'Student Pilots' Delay Departure, Make More Frequent ... - RedOrbit

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RedOrbitSongbird 'Student Pilots' Delay Departure, Make More Frequent ...RedOrbitJuvenile songbirds on spring migration travel from overwintering sites in the tropics to breeding destinations thousands of kilometers away with no prior experience to guide them. Now, a new study out of York University has tracked these “student ...

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